Get your hands on this fast!
I almost squealed with glee when I found this at my local salon.
The shades are to die for.
This little mini set is a bit pricy, but oh so worth it! ($13)
Colors shown here are "Hey Baby" (Hot pink), "I Sing In Color" (Rich Purple), "Love,Angel,Music,Baby" (Gold),and "4 In The Morning"(Black) Oh, and the gold is a satin, not a frost,so it is rich and smooth.
I cant wait to try these out,but hurry,just like Gwen's concert tickets, these will sell out quickly! (Check your local salons,and ULTA,of course)
Until next time~
Hearts and Hugs
Photo Credits:
All photos are property of the blog owner, and may not be used without permission.
BellevueGrl Productions, 2011.