Jul 23, 2015


As some of you may know, I have been grieving over the loss of one of my beloved pets.
I still miss her, and think of her every day. The memories she brought me were so very sweet,as well as the love we shared.

It has been a little over four months,and I knew it was time to start looking for another family member to warm our home.

I had visited a few shelters over the past few months,but never really seemed to connect  with anyone in particular,until yesterday.
Meet Maddox!
 I saw his sweet little face, and it was love at first site. We "chatted" for a bit, okay, he mostly mewed,but you get the point. When we had the chance to visit one on one,he began purring in my arms,and gently reached up to give me kisses. That was it,I was his, hook,line, and sinker.

He certainly knows how to charm a lady!

Maddox is a little over 2 months old,and was a rescue from Seattle Humane. He is a polite little gentleman,a great eater,and has a wonderful philosophy. First, start each day with a flying leap! Technically,embrace each day as new. Who wouldn't be excited! Second, when in doubt,chew it!
Humm...could that mean,take a moment and think,you know, "chew things over" and lastly,all balls are MINE! Well, little guy,you gotta know whats yours and go for it, right?
He's a smart little man.

Maddox enjoying music with Mom
 I look forward to many adventures in getting to know this super turbo charged kitten. I think he has a great life ahead.

My older cat, Baby is adapting,slowly,but bless her heart, she has been so tolerant of him.
If any of you have any get acquainted tips, I would welcome them gladly.

Mom,can't you see I'm busy?

Until next time~
Hearts and Hugs

Photo Credits:
 All photos are property of the blog owner, and may not be used without permission.
 BellevueGrl Productions, 2011. 

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